
Friday, November 5, 2010

No I Didn't Join a Commune and Fall Off the Grid

There's been a little moaning and groaning about my lack of postings lately. Apparently a few of you actually give a rat's patootie about what I've been up to out here. (I'll admit, I'm flattered by both of you) So, guess what I did this last month. Get ready for it, here it comes, it's a big deal. I bought a couch. No seriously, about the only momentous thing I've done in the last month was buy a couch. What do you want from me people? I'm not made of adventure and sparkle ok? How many times can I blog about how sunny and wonderful and great California is? I'm void of ranting, this place has nothing to complain about. That's all I got. We're down to blogging about avocados and organic cotton. Ok Lea, breathe, you can do this. Block out the sunshine and channel your inner-bitter. Alright, here we go. Today, I'll start with things I already miss about the East Coast: Autumn. I miss the leaves shuffling and the smell of the air and the brisk breezes. I miss pumpkin carving with friends (the prospect of carving via skype was suggested but ultimately vetoed at the idea of pumpkin guts all over my brand new mac). I miss being able to hail a cab, having a guaranteed good time place to go on a Thursday night and the Friday morning camaraderie with my fellow Thursday-is-the-new-Friday philosophers. I miss pizza... a lot. I miss bosses that don't say "dude". I miss booking the Cape Air puddle jumper that cost forty nine bucks to fly home for Christmas. And of course I miss all the people. Making new friends is hard work, mostly because good friends are hard to find. But, I'm working on it, I'm getting there.

The apartment is almost completely furnished. A few more deep dips into my checking account and it will really look like a grown-up lives there. There is no grown-up, it's just me, but if you install a wine rack and actually try to make your furniture match, people will think you're an adult. It's an easy enough scam to pull off. I'll post pics as soon as I finish decorating (and by decorating I mean buying a coffee table and vacuuming the carpet)

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